
Replication is used as a tool for evaluating microstructures and other surface features in lieu of laboratory evaluations. Observations are made in the field and can also be made in a laboratory after the samples are transported. For field application, a portable magnification microscope is used to observe prepared metal surfaces and the quality of the replica. A portable microscope with photographic capabilities can also be used to provide digital or positive prints of the examined areas.
Replication provides the metallurgical engineer a two-dimensional view of the micro structure, similar to that observed in a laboratory metallography specimen. Features such as grain size and orientation, carbides and cracks are easily identifiable. Results can be presented to field and plant personnel during an on-site visit. It can be used to provide meaningful metallurgical information to support ongoing nondestructive evaluation. Remaining life assessment and replication techniques is extensively used in remaining life assessment and condition monitoring of high temperature components.
Qualimations Support on Material Replication
- Crack detection and micro structure assessment
- Replication of fractured surfaces
- Surface Profile analysis
Metallography is used to reveal the micro structure of metals, which is affected by alloy composition and processing conditions;including cold working, heat treatment and welding. A finished part's environment can also affect its micro structure and cause problems such as corrosion and decaricaturization. Analysis of a material's metallography micro structure aids in determining... Read More
NDT Certification
In order to perform even the most basic non-destructive test, a technical lead must be trained, and in many cases, certified to standards like that of ASNT. "It's extremely important to be certified. This is the way that any organisation can be assured that their technical personnel have experience in specific methods and techniques."ASNT's core certification program is the best suited to do so. In the last couple of years, Qualimation has offered Certification program... Read More
NDT Course at Chennai

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Reg. Chennai: +91 9940622700
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Qualimation offers ASNT NDT L-I & L-II certification courses in Ultrasonic testing, Radiographic testing, Penetrant testing, Magnetic testing, Visual Testing and various other NDT methods. High Salaries and Opportunities for Oil and Gas Jobs with NDT understanding and Certification
NDT Certification
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