In order to perform even the most basic nondestructive test, a technical lead must be trained, and in many cases, certified to standards like that of ASNT. "It's extremely important to be certified. This is the way that any organisation can be assured that their technical personnel have experience in specific methods and techniques."
ASNT's core certification program is the best suited to do so. In the last couple of years, Qualimation has offered Certification program. A list of all individuals certified to ASNT are published in our website. Some of Qualimation' Consultants are certified to ASNT level III.
What Can Certification give you and your company ?

Certification can provide a company market advantage,"Having third-party certified personnel demonstrates commitment to quality and professionalism in NDT. For the individual, it is a professional credential that he or she carries to any employment." Companies can certify their NDT technicians, and many do with tests based on the ASNT criteria. In the long run, the Level - II certification from Qualimation supports your company in any of your new ventures and it may be beneficial to get ASNT-certified because it's commonly accepted as the standard third-party certification organization. Qualimation offers courses in non destructive testing that train students to become fully prepared for ASNT certification.
Excellence in Training, Qualification Assessments and Consulting in NDT
Invest in your career and your future by earning a Qualimations certification on NDT. Gain the advantage in your career and increase your potential for a higher salary. Qualimations offers the best program in NDT with practical application and certification. Take one course and gain enough knowledge to penetrate all job profile in Oil and Gas/Fabrication/Manufacturing Jobs.. Read More
ASNT Level 1 and Level 2 Training - Certification
Qualimation offers ASNT NDT L-I & L-II certification courses in Ultrasonic testing, Radiographic testing, Penetrant testing, Magnetic testing, Visual Testing and various other NDT methods. Invest in your career and future by earning a Qualimations certification in Quality Assurance through its QA/QC training and certification. Gain the edge and beat competition, increase your potential for a higher salary. Qualimations offers the best program in Quality Management with practical application and certification.. Apply Now
NDT Certification Levels
Based on experience & competency in the NDT methods personnel are Qualified as Level -I, Level – II & Level – III.
" Perfect,Interesting and highly educative. It has broaden my knowledge on how to handle, solve problems and improve quality in my organization "
Julie O Kodu , protocol manager/project co ordinator, Sea Petroleum & CTAS Group of companies,Lagos,Nigeria
NDT Preparation
Now you don't have to leave your place and travel, you could choose a range of online courses. The course material would reach you by post and also as a mail attachment
Once you are part of the Qualimation family, all doubts pertaining to NDT and Quality will be taken care by our experts.
Our experienced staff of consultants have developed a full range of customised NDT training modules for you. All our products are based on years of practical real-world experience working.. Read More
We Provide
As part of the NDT training course we provide you the following:
World Class training
Training Manual
Practical Check Sheets
Online and On Call Support any time ( call for any doupts from site or field )
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Level 1
Level – I Inspectors are qualified to perform specific tests, equipment calibration as per the written practice only. The decision to acceptance and reject shall be done with respect to the written practice only. Their qualification is more technique or task based. They should work only under the close supervision of a Level – II or Level – III.
Level 2
Level – II Inspectors are qualified to Calibrate and set up equipment, carry out testing as per the written practice. They shall be able to interpret & evaluate as per the written practice. They shall also develop written procedure, prepare report for the inspection and document it. They can also train & supervise Level – I technicians. They must be familiar with all applicable codes, standards, and other documents that control the NDT method being utilized.
Level 3
Level – III Inspectors are usually into Consultancy, Management positions in a Company. They should be capable of establishing techniques and practice, interpreting codes, standards, and specifications, They shall be capable of determining the particular nondestructive testing methods, techniques, and practice to be used. They shall posses the required knowledge of the material to be tested, the fabrication & product engineering They are also responsible for training and examining Level I and Level II's.