
- Qualimation carried out Special NDT tasks for the Indian Naval Aircraft division for Fluorescent Dye penetrant inspection of rotor blades of Aircraft engines.
- Qualimations support for AIRINDIA Development of inspection methods procedures based on required reference standard sensitivity levels, available
equipments, processes as per Honeywell CMM. Machines considered for preparing procedures are FPI Dyglo made,FMPI ITW make, Eddy current machine wheel scan5, Demanetizer all these for AIR INDIA LTD Trivandrum
- Support for Core Non-Destructive Testing NDT capabilities combined with engineering and scientific skills to enable a full, turn-key solution for NDT issues, structural integrity aspects and inspection services.

- Cochin Shipyard’s new Land mark The 300 T Gantry Crane was fabricated inside Shipyard premises by M/s Mcnally Bharat India Limited and Support from Qualimation was solely responsible in carrying out Ultrasonic Inspection of the Fabricated structure(90 % of the Butt Joint & full penetration fillet were covered by U.T).
- Qualimation has expertise in understanding of international technical codes and standards.
- UT of welds on piping, industrial tanks and vessels, straight beam testing for erossion and corrosion, developing film for x ray.
