Time: 80 hrs or 12 Days on formal class room sessions, If online - 4 Modules
consisting of 8 programs with study material and tests.
The target audience for this program is anyone within an organization who needs to enhance their career by certification to the Ultrasonic methods.

Introduction to UT and applications.
Principles of Ultrasound.
Nature Of Sound
Properties Of Wave
Modes Of Propagation
Snell`s Law
Piezo Electic Effect
Types Of Probe
Skip Distance
Beam Path
Beam Spread Angle
Location And Depth
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector |
Calibration, V1 And V2 Blocks
Equipment Calibration
Calibration Of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
- Horizontal Linearity
- Vertical Linearity
- Screen height Linearity
Calibration Of Probes
- Probe Index
- Probe Angle
- Probe Resolution
- Probe Sensitivity
- Probe Penetration Power
Distance Amplitude Correction Curve
Test Method And Technique
Through Transmission
Pulse Echo (Longitudinal beam / Angle beam)
Resonance Testing
Type of Scans - A-Scan , B-Scan , C-Scan |
Ultrasonic testing on Welds .
Types of scans
Defect sizing
Interpretation of Indications |
On-Site Practical at any of the following
location: UAE, Qatar,
India- Cochin, Trichy, Chennai
If you have an interest in starting/ enhancing a career in the field of nondestructive testing, take the UT course and top it with the Radiography and other NDT courses.
Now you don't have to leave your place and travel, you could choose a range of
online courses. The course material
would reach you by post and also as a
mail attachment. You choose to learn
at your pace and time.
Qualimation also offers a range of practical training at sites in UAE, Qatar and India.
Our experienced staff of consultants
have developed a full range of
customised NDT training modules for
you. All our products are based on
years of practical real-world experience
Once you are part of the Qualimation family, all doubts pertaining to NDT and
Quality will be taken care by our experts.

How to apply MSA methods for
ultrasonic testing.....