Any engineer who is involved in technical activity should be aware of reliability and reliability methods. Qualimation provides a comprehensive consulting and training program on the subject of life data analysis as it applies to reliability engineering. The training includes an overview of the underlying statistical theory and methods as well as step-by-step guidance to the usage and application of the reliabaility concepts. It also covers acclelerated life testing and avdvanced product quality planning methods.
- system reliability
- maintainability
- availability theory
Qualimation understands when life data analysis methodologies are appropriate and how they can be applied when you need to understand and communicate how a product will perform over time, such as:
- Setting meaningful reliability targets,
- The Poisson process and distribution,
- Time-dependent risk parameters,
- Reliability of repairable systems,
- Demonstrating whether an item meets the specification
- Effectively communicating performance estimates to management.
- Identifying whether an item will experience infant mortality and/or wearout and making predictions about performance during the useful life (or warranty) period.
- Evaluating suppliers and/or comparing designs based on reliability.
- Steady state analysis,
- FMEA Analysis and Product Quality Assurance.