Qualimations supports all actvities that are related to welding and brazing, call us when you have a special welding and NDT systems to be installed.
We also ensure Pre-qualification and follow-up on all the welding procedures and activities. The current activities involve Weldability evaluations,
solving welding related problems,selecting the correct NDT techniques and procedures, assessment of NDT system performance and reliability,development and
testing of welding procedures.

Qualimation provides third party witness of welder qualification as per AWS,ASME and API standards. WPS/PQR development & approval, training for proper
selection of welding consumables.The list of Welding support from Qualimations involves...
Selection of Welding Consumables
Welder Qualification and Training
WPS/PQR Development
WPS/PQR Review and Approval
This is a very difficult question to answer to even established Fortune 500 companies. Your growths, the profits you make has a relation with the inputs you feed. Identifying these factors that contribute to Quality and cost is the key to running a business. Qualimation helps you in identifying whether you are still working in the dark or have clear factor to profit relationship established. At Qualimation we strive to make you focus on your business objectives.Each organization needs tailor made quality improvement program to meet its particular needs. Some organizations may wish to include more specific engineering and science studies that ensure quality products are produced. The Six Sigma program is a great strategy that addresses leadership, tools,metrology,Human Resource, R&D and interaction between department issues. some of these are not considered in any other quality improvement process

What do you gain from the training in the trilogy of Welding-NDT-Metallurgy?
You will be able to carry out most of the Inspection and manufacturing functions such as Daily radiographic review,
Ultrasonic testing monitoring,
Magnetic particle testing monitoring,
Dye penetrant testing monitoring,
MPI testing monitoring,
Verify traceability of daily NDE records and
Review/acceptance of contractor project documents. Thus grouped with the technical expertise in your area of specialisation you will gain skill sets such as
welding inspection, weld/welder testing methods and techniques, good level of technical understanding in the NDE inspection discipline
and familiarity with international codes and standards.
Find the factors that affect the Probability of Detection in NDT using Designed experiments
