Customer Service or Lip Service?
How many times have you walked into an establishment and been bombarded by posters or signs about customer satisfaction, listening to customers, and great customer service? Do you wonder if those posters are just posters, i.e., all fluff and no stuff? Do you question what your experience will truly be like? Do you think about whether employees were trained on how to ensure customers are satisfied? Do those posters mean that employees might be tempted to game the system for a bonus?
Our Customers are the most important people ever in this office, either in person or on the telephone.
Our Customers are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them.
Our Customers are not an interruption of our work; they are the purpose of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them; they are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.
Our Customers are not an outsider to our business; they are part of it.
Our Customers are not cold statistics—names on file cards or ledger sheets. They are human beings with feelings and emotions, like your own.
Our Customers are not someone to argue with. Nobody ever won an argument with a Customer.
Our Customers are people who bring their wants. It is our job to handle them profitably—to them and to ourselves.