Sunday March 09, 2025
Problem Solving skill traits
This assessment will help you understand your personal strengths and opportunities for development in problem solving. Problem solving is one core skill that is essential for success of a business. The results are for your deep understanding and development, hence answer what would you do in the situations explained below ( Not what u think is best ) ..

For each scenario, answer according to how you would most likely behave in a similar situation. indicate the degree to which the given statements apply to you. In order to receive the most accurate results, After finishing the test, you will receive a personalized interpretation of your test scores.
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Statement: Even if organizations use a team approach to problem solving, every problem should be assigned to a specific individual.
Yes that is true
No the best is to leave it to the team
A specific person would be certainly biased
Read the following and choose what comes to your mind(frequently) when discussing about a problem, choose one..
I usually find a problem has many effects and it has cause(s) that has to be found
I usually find a problem has a cause that happens through a Failure Mode
I will analyze the first problem that occurred first in the day and solve them
Statement: Most companies have problem solving champions,
Yes thats true
No, any one can solve any problem
Some one who goes deep into the understanding of the problem is the real champion.
In the process of problem solving ( 100% of time ) what amount of time should be best spent for each of these sub processes
a.Problem Definition
b.Problem Analysis
c.Problem solution
a.50% b.30% c.20%
a.33% b.33% c.34%
a.10% b.30% c.60%
a.40% b.20% c.40%
When Solving problems choose the one you will normally do to get to the solution
I rely on my deep knowledge on the subject to come to a conclusion on the solution.
I rely on the teams effort to come up with a solution.
I rely on data collected from the problem area and come to a conclusion.
I rely on experts like consultants to arrive at a solution.
The priority of selecting a problem to solve should be based on ..:
Probability of its reoccurrence
Impact the problem will create to the image of the company
Revenue Gain by solving this problem
Risk based on Severity,Occurance,Controls
Do you agree to the following Quote

Individuals who are accountable for projects lead the vast majority of successful problem-solving projects. Ownership can make remarkable things happen;

Yes that is true
No every body should own the problem
The management should assign the problem to all the managers
Statement: If you are incharge of problem solving, how do you go about forming a problem solving team ?
When forming a problem solving team, I will select one person from each department so that very one is represented. I will ensure all sections are selected so that there is no blame on me.
When forming a problem solving team, One of the most important tasks will be to select the right people for the problem-solving team. Participants should be told why they have been included (e.g., their technical expertise, familiarity with processes in question or experience in the department).
When forming a problem solving team, I will select those most familiar with the variables surrounding the problem. They will then be involved in the problem-solving process.(Often, these arent managers and supervisors but people taking orders, writing software, operating machines, driving forklifts and performing repairs).
Statement: Every problem has to be project managed because
Following through on a complex initiative without project management becomes strictly a matter of luck;
A well-designed corrective and preventive action system embodies the basics of project management.
Project management is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of problem solving.
Project management is a good tool.
Read the following functions and identify the logical flow/order in a problem solving process, choose the answer you think is correct ( assume you already know the critical problem to be solved) 10
c : Establishing the Team
g : Developing Interim Containment Action
a : Preventing Recurrence
h : Recognizing Team Efforts
e : Identifying Permanent Corrective Actions (PCA)
b : Problem Definition / Statement & Description
f : Implementing & Validating PCA
d : Identifying & Verifying Root Cause
Choose the correct order in which a problem solving process works abcdefgh
None of the above choices
What is next in the series of numbers 72,61,51,42,33,27,22,18,15,_
Does not form a pattern
Fill in the blanks

___________ is essential to ensure that everyone understands the process, from finding the root causes of a problem to ensuring that it doesn’t happen again.
Team work
Should all problems have permanent solutions?
Yes, all problems must have a permanent solution
No, it is not necessary to find a permanent solution
Can not say, it all depends on Problem Analyst
No, if the cost of the permanent solution is not justified from the business perspective.
Which of the following statements is true about root Cause of a problem..
Failure to follow procedures is the root cause of most problems.
Finding the root cause is like a problematic onion, you need to keep on peeling until the correct cause is found
Employee not properly trained. Is the root cause of most of the problem?
Which of the following statements is true about you as a problem solver
I normally know why a problem happens.
I know the key to solving problem is with effective dialogue and understanding
I try to ignore problems which does not affect me.
If I am made the problem owner than I will do the following activity when I see some success in problem solving
Make problem-solving success stories a frequent subject within the organization.
If a group of employees succeeds in reducing the error rate, I will send everyone an e-mail trumpeting the achievement.
I will be careful when sending success stories that will bring down the morale of other problem solvers.
What do you think is the best definition of a problem solving process?
Solving problems means identifying the root causes of a problem and then developing and implementing appropriate countermeasures that are designed to eliminate the root causes and prevent their recurrence.
Solving problems means understanding more about the product and process. The focus on root cause helps in gaining more knowledge resulting in a solution or fix.
Solving problems means the Quality of the product is maintained and the customers are satisfied. This is achieved by solving problems continuously.
When a root cause analysis is done the most commonly occurring situation after the first indication of failure or when a problem is found is
People trying to fix the blame for the problem rather than getting to the root cause.
Management Encouraging employees to make the quality issue more visible.
Workers stop production, if necessary, as soon as a problem happens, and to find the root cause.

Based on each of the statement, choose the answer you agree or disgaree..












Most people think that I am objective/focused and logical

Most people would say that I am emotional and rather motivating

Most people believe that I know the details of my job and do it very accurately

Most people agree that I am a complex and intellectual person

I tend to focus on immediate problems and let others worry about the distant future

I try to please others and need occasional praise myself

When I face a problem, I try to analyze all the facts and put them in systematic order

I'm more interested in long-range implications and am often bored with minor here and now details

I'm usually more people oriented than task oriented

Before I put energy into a project, I want to know what's in it for me

I normally solve problems quickly without wasting a lot of time on details

Strongly agree

Slightly agree


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

When I have a job to do, I do it, even if others' feelings might get hurt in the process

I get bored with routine and prefer to deal with new and complicated challenges

I'm a pretty good judge as to how others feel about problems

I don't let problems upset me, no matter how difficult they are

I like to do things that I do well, but I'm not comfortable trying to learn new skills

I prefer harmony in a work group—otherwise efficiency suffers

I really enjoy solving new problems

I am a quick learner, but I don't like theoretical, futuristic concepts

When necessary, I have no trouble making tough, hard-nosed decisions

You are working very hard and towards solving an important problem for the company, your co mate calls you for a chat on a new method of testing(which is not relevent to your current problem u are solving), what will be your reply to the call..

lets talk

Ok,will do later


I am

Pls dont

I have many times noticed that after i solve a problem, the relevence of the problem itself to the reason/objective of the process is gone or does not exist and i have to restart again. This happens regularly, and i seem to be missing the assumptions frequently

Strongly Agree

Slightly Agree


Slightly disgaree

Strongly Disagree

I normally challenge any thing and to any one, no matter how powerfull they are..

Strongly Agree

Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree

Strongly Disagree